Newscast for May 1st
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at -
Main News Items
- Scott McNeally steps down as CEO of Sun Microsystems to
become Chairman, and Jonathan Schwartz takes on the role of CEO
- Looking ahead to Java One
- Top coder open
- Thinkfree office gets big and friendly
- Easy Eclipse 1.0 Beta available
- More from the Rumor Mill, Oracle to buy Red Hat, IBM to
buy SAP
- Applet of the week - VRML viewer in a pure java applet
In Short News Items
- Matisse for My Eclipse has now had it's first milestone
- Eclipse 3.2 RC2 is now out
- IBM has released BPEL repository
- Using the NetBeans rich-client platform
- Blue J 2.1.3 - a new version of the Java IDE for learning
and teaching (and a favorite of the posse), has been released
- Gigaspaces has released Gigaspaces 5.0, a so-called "space
based architecture"
- Java 5 is now default on Mac OS X
- Novell has released version 1.1.5 of mono - an open source
implementation of .NET 1.1
- Atlanta Java Users Group has announced the details for the
Atlanta Java Devcon 2006
- New blueprint ajax components demos
- JBoss world in Las Vegas, dates set for June 12th to 15th
- The Java Posse would like to thank
- To contact us:
- Theme Music:
- Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997
Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr
The Java Posse is distributed under the
Commons License