Newscast for Oct 6th 2008
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
SpringSource has changed its policy on maintenance and bug fixes for versions of Spring
Coverage of the JVM langauge summit
Apple appears to be using JSF for one of their recent web projects
The winners of the OpenJDK Community Innovator's Challenge have been announced
Java Project of the Week - WidgetFX
Quick News
Concurrency guru Brian Goetz has a new article up at IBM's developerworks
JSR 311 - The Java API for ReSTful Web Services, has passed the final ballot with 14 yes votes and 1 non-vote
JFreeChart 1.0.11 has been released by David Gilbert
Chris Adamson has moved from Atlanta to Grand Rapids, MI
Apple has released Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 2
GrinderStone 2.0 has been released
John Ferguson has released a new book called JSF Jumpstarter
John Hoffmann has a demo of Project Nile up on NetBeans TV
Sun has release version 8.0 of OpenSSO
- has an article introducing math for game creation using Java
The project darkstar developer challenge offers cash prizes and a pass
to the 2009 game developer conference for the winners
xLightWeb 2.0 has been released
Oracle has release TopLink 11g final
Ars Technica has pitted TraceMonkey against V8 and SquirrelFish Extreme
Adobe has now released a beta version of AIR (the Adobe Internet Runtime) for Linux
The JSR 318 - EJB 3.1 public draft is now available
Findbugs 1.3.5 offers new bug detectors
CERN has launched the world's largest compute grid
Alex Miller notes on EclipseZone that on Halloween, Java 1.4 will officially enter end of service life
Mobicents SIP servlets have just achieved JSR 289 compliance
Interview with Sun's Jacob Lehrbaum about JavaFX
Apache has released Solr 1.3.0
Ed Burns blogs that JSF 2.0 Early Draft Review 2 is out
Google Maps for Mobile (for Java enabled phones) has been updated to now include streetview features
If you are in the Adriatic/Balkans area, you may be interested in JavaBlend 2008
The Java Posse consists of Tor Norbye, Carl Quinn, Joe Nuxoll and Dick Wall