- An article on SD Times claiming that Mono development is outpacing Java on Linux has caused some energetic debate this week
- Java Library of the Week - jrawio
- InfoQ has a roundup of news items about the possibility of Scala as a long term replacement for Java.
- Jean-Francois Arcand has a technical article up about using the Atmosphere API with Scala to create a Comet based chat server.
- A
new conference taking place in Edinburgh, Scotland on the 4th September
called the "Commercial Users of Functional Programming".
- Scala website of the week - ScalaCareers.com
Quick News
- The NetBeans RefCard from DZone has been updated to cover NetBeans 6.7.
- Google has released a free and open NX server called NeatX.
- Linux
World has an article about the fallout from Microsoft's hijacking of
the ISO body to push OOXML through as a standard ahead of ODF (Open
Document Format).
- Tim Boudreau has a new article up about embedding JavaFX applets into wicket components.
- A new Kenai project is aiming to provide Google App engine support in NetBeans and already has a lot of functionality.
- Kirill Grouchnikov has released version 1.0 of Trident, an animation library for Java applications.
- jBoss has released jBPM version 4.0 GA.
- Sreeram Duvur blogs about running Sailfin on Amazon EC2.
- Simple 2.1 has been released.
The Java Posse consists of Tor Norbye, Carl Quinn, Joe Nuxoll and Dick Wall
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-- posted at: 11:40am PDT