The Java Posse
Serving the Java Community since 2005
Tor Norbye (Google), Carl Quinn (Netflix), Dick Wall (Escalate), Chet Haase (Google)
The eagle-eared of you may have noticed a new feature at the beginning of the Java Posse this episode - a chance for you to sing your own Karaoke version of the Java Jing Jing theme song.

In truth it is missing because I was in a hurry and hit the export track rather than export all tracks option in audacity, and I didn't notice the problem until too late. I could fix it, but Tor and I decided that it would be quite fun to leave it as it is. The music is missing from the end of this one as well.

Perhaps we could put the idea out there that the silence is protesting something :-). The whole Eircom thing sounds like a good excuse. Solidarity brothers.

Anyway, normal service will be resumed in the next podcast, for now - enjoy your singing.
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:39am PDT

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