The Java Posse
Serving the Java Community since 2005
Tor Norbye (Google), Carl Quinn (Netflix), Dick Wall (Escalate), Chet Haase (Google)

We have had a lot of feedback requesting more information for Java beginners,
and there is enough material here for a little beginners section of the news:

  • The Java Posse would like to thank:
    • Chingon with Malaguena Salerosa from the Kill Bill 2 soundtrack for today's theme music
    • for podcast hosting and bandwidth
    • for feed redirection and stats
    • Kirsty Doherty for the Java Posse artwork
    • And all of you for listening
Direct download: JavaPosse002.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:14pm PDT

Many people have asked about iTunes for the Java Posse, and the submission is in so hopefully we will be listed in the directory any day now. In the meantime, there is a simple way to get iTunes to pick up the Java Posse podcast now:

First, copy the following link into your clipboard:
Then open iTunes, and in the Advanced menu select Subscribe to Podcast...

In the window that comes up, paste the link from above and hit OK. You should now be subscribed to the Java Posse in iTunes.

While this will work, I would ask anyone who does this to keep an eye on the site for changes, and when the iTunes entry is finally up to switch to that, as iTunes measures the popularity of podcasts only through it's own directory and will not pick up the numbers using the link provided here.


Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:41am PDT

Rob's requested links for the shownotes:

Community/support related:



Direct download: JavaPosse001.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:34am PDT


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