Newscast for Feb 17th 2012
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Java Posse Roundup 2012 - Crested Butte, CO, March 26th to 30th.
Tor and Dick have a project in mind for the Monday.
Also, Scala training in New York City from April 30th to May 4th.
- JetBrains Kotlin Open Sourced
- New Java Magazine from Oracle is out (for free) and covers Java EE (6 and 7) and Java 7
- 10+ years on - the Java Sucks article:
Quick News
- Java7/FX online mini-conference from OTN
- JFokus 2012 happened in Stockholm, Sweden.
- JPPF 3.0 released - An Apache 2.0 Licensed grid computing parallelization solution for Java.
- Netflix has open sourced a number of projects, including Curator, a Zookeeper client library. All on GitHub.
- Scala too hard? Let Shadaj show you how it’s done
- Google updates Docs for Android (but it’s still pretty crap)
- Google scanning android apps with “bouncer” after malware reports, but in fact the malware was no such thing (rather Symantec trying to drum up business over some admittedly aggressive ad-ware).
Random Crap
- Dick finally managed to pay for something with NFC
- 70x performance gains for MySQL from Oracle?
- PC Mag - Flash still bests HTML5 for games and other measures, but for how long (and Flash support being dropped for many alternative platforms, including the latest Android chrome browser!)
- Heroku
- Tesla Model X
- Mac OS - Mountain Lion
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
- - - for feed redirect
- Kirsty Doherty, Amy Ehmann for Java Posse artwork
- Theme Music:
- Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
- Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
- To contact us:
The Java Posse consists of Tor Norbye, Carl Quinn, Joe Nuxoll and Dick Wall