Sat, 29 December 2007
Roundup 07 Session - Java Applets
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Recorded at the Java Posse Roundup 2007 unconference
This was the session many people thought that the conference was leading up to,
and covers some fairly tough questions about the future of Java.
Join us for the Java Posse Roundup 2008 in Crested Butte from March 4th to 7th
and be a part of sessions like this yourself!
- Java Update N (the consumer JRE)
- Microsoft Sparkle (now called Microsoft Expression Blend)
Direct download: JavaPosse156.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 4:56am PDT
Thu, 20 December 2007
Scala Interview with Martin Odersky
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
This is one of a series of interviews that Carl Quinn and Dick Wall did while at JavaPolis 2007.
The interviews are being released as both audio interviews on the Java Posse,
and video interviews over at Here is where you can find this particular talk on Parleys.
Direct download: JavaPosse155.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 12:25am PDT
Mon, 17 December 2007
Special from JavaPolis 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Check out videos from JavaPolis over at
- David Heinemeier Hannson has release version 2.0 of the Ruby on Rails framework
CommunityOne call for submissions
- Library of the week - Scene graph
Application of the week - Masters of Java
Quick News Items
Adobe has open-sourced Blaze - the AMF protocol and
libraries which does flex remoting more efficiently than XML or JSON
Sun is going to discontinue development of the Java Studio
Creator and Java Studio Enterprise products
Sasha Maps is a new library for GWT that provides easy
Google maps
support from within GWT applications. It is available for free under an
attribution, non-commercial, share-alike license
Sun has submitted JSR 322 - Java EE Connector Architecture
1.6 - to the JCP for consideration
- Microsoft Volta, a new experimental
add-on for Visual Studio
that bears more than a passing resemblance to
GWT (the Google Web Toolkit)
Greg Sporar has released a six minute screencast of some of
the new editing features in NetBeans 6.0
Sun has a repeat of their introduction to web application
event on December 18th in Second life (at the Sun developer playground)
Atlassian have announced Fisheye 1.4 and Crucible 1.2
JBoss has released JBoss Tools 2 and JBoss Developer Studio
- JSR 308 - Annotations for Java Types, has entered early draft review
- Podcast of a Guy Steele and Richard Gabriel a keynote at ooPSLA called 50 in 50
- Apache Roller 4.0 is now out
- Liftweb, the Scala based web app framework from David
Pollak is now at version 0.3.0
- Oracle
has posted the proposed final draft for JSR 225 - the
XQuery API for
Java. This is a specification that defines a JDBC like API for native
XML databases
- ReSTclient 1.1 has been release
- is now taking votes for the products of the year 2008
Direct download: JavaPosse154.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:41am PDT
Sun, 9 December 2007
Newscast for December 6th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Spring 2.5 has been released, a new version of the alternative enterprise Java stack
- Applets of the week: Maths, Physics and Engineering applets
Robert Cooper has written an article covering his first impressions of the Android API's and comments on possible improvements that could be made
Carlos Bazzarella from Poliplus software has started a new project called ME4Android
Open Handset Alliance member Ascender has announced “Droid Fonts?
- Looking to get started with Android? John Lombardo at has written an in-depth, hands-on article that
introduces Android
- For people interested in getting Android to work on various
real and virtual hardware, there's a new Google group, called
Karl Pauls of Luminis has managed, with a few hacks, to get Apache Felix (OSGi) to work on Android
Quick News Items
New jsf project: Project Mojarra
- TheServerSide has an article up about RestFaces, a library to solve the problem of BookMarkable JSF (JavaServer Faces)
Mark Reinhold of the OpenJDK Governance Board has announced that the Interim Governance Board has unanimously approved a proposal for the creation
of an OpenJDK Porters group
Think Record Storage is the only option for Java ME development? Think again!
Atlassian Software has released version 1.2 of Crowd, its single sign on and OpenID software
The Apache project has released version 1.1 Final of Continuum, the
continuous integration server for building Java projects
JBoss has released a JSF unit testing tool: JSFUnit
JSR 321 - Trusted Computing API for Java, has been submitted to the JCP by the IAIK Graz University of technology
Roberto Chinnici blogs that he has got GlassFish v2 running on SoyLatte on Tiger
DeveloperLife has started a series of tutorials about developing with GWT (the Google Web Toolkit)
- The third season of Lost on Blu-Ray will feature a number of enhancements using BD-J
Sun has announced a new program to compensate Open Source developers for their coding efforts
JavaRanch has an article about James Gosling's recent "State of the Java Universe" talk
- Kelly
O'Hair blogs that JDK 7 build 24 has switched over to the Mercurial
distributed source control mechanism for the OpenJDK sources
Listener Feedback
- Ryan Dewsbury's new GWT book
Direct download: JavaPosse153.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 4:52am PDT
Thu, 29 November 2007
Newscast for November 29th 2007
- Landon Fuller has released the second developer preview edition of Java 6 for Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard) and Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger)
- Tis the season to consider language changes for Java 7, the latest question: why not support primitives in collections directly?
- Bill Pugh,
from the University of Maryland, and well known to Posse listeners, has
released version 1.3.0 of FindBugs
- NetBeans 6.0 FCS green-lighted
- Applet of the week - MindMap Viewer by Eric Blue
- Mobile Application of the Week - Ebook Reader for Java enabled phones
- Mobile application of the week - bonus - Google Maps for Mobile, now with my location
Quick News Items
- JSR 294 (superpackages for the Java language) early draft is now available
- Java running on the iPhone (and the iPod touch)
- The fedora wiki has an interview with Thomas Fitzsimmons about the inclusion of IcedTea with the newly released Fedora 8
- Sun has released a new version of the Sun Contribution Agreement
- There is a
new flavor of the Gnu General Public License (GPL) called the Affero
General Public License that has been written to cope with a peculiarity
of web applications
- The Exploring Beautiful Languages blog has an article on writing NetBeans Ruby hints using Scala
Direct download: JavaPosse152.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 6:44pm PDT
Mon, 26 November 2007
Listener Feedback - Nov 26th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Codemash conference in Sandusky, Ohio
- Real time storage, immortal memory, garbage collection
- Java Language Improvements - read this while listening to the long discussion
Direct download: JavaPosse151.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 2:06pm PDT
Sat, 17 November 2007
Newscast for Nov 15th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
- Google releases Android and open handset alliance, the former a
(soon-to-be) open source stack for developing mobile applications, and
the latter an alliance of over 30 companies in the mobile space
- Open source port of OpenJDK to the Mac?
- RedHat joins the OpenSDK project
- Technical Article of the Week! S3 on Java with onJava
- JSR for Closures, backed by the JUGs
Quick News Items
- The presentations from the JustJava 2007 conference in Brazil which took place in October are now available for download
- The Eclipse project has released version of the Eclipse IDE
- JSR-311 - JAX-RS (ReST API for Java) is now in early draft review
- Artima has a good interview with Bill Shannon and Roberto Chinicci about JSR 316 - Java EE 6
- JBoss has release Seam 2.0
- NetBeans now has a DTrace GUI plugin
- Java lobby has an in depth interview about the new consumer JRE
- The Aquarium asks "what do you want from Glassfish v3?"
- The Mobile and Embedded developer days event which is being held in Santa Clara on Jan 23rd and 24th continues to gain momentum
- Apple has released a developer preview of Java for Mac OS X 10.4, Release 6 on the Apple Developer connection
- Access is demonstrating the new Access Linux Platform that runs Linux, Palm and Java applications
- The server side has a new video interview with Christian Bauer about the newly released Seam 2.0
- Could JavaME end up on the iPhone after all? Terrence Barr thinks so
- A former mobile app of the week, Opera Mini 4, a Java ME web browser, is out of beta
- NetBeans Days in Dubai and Cairo are happening within the next week
- Results of the JCP Elections
Direct download: JavaPosse150.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 8:34am PDT
Sat, 3 November 2007
Newscast for Nov 2nd 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Roundup - confirmed for Crested Butte, March 4th-7th 2008
More information about Java on Mac OS 10.5 Leopard
JavaOne 2008 Call for papers
Chris Adamson has another call to arms for JCP members - please get involved and vote on the JCP Executive committees
Quick News Items
- Alberto Savoia on the C.R.A.P. metric
Sun has released Java 6 Update 3
Java FX has a new blog and a book
The first General Availability version of Apache Tiles is now out: version 2.0.5
- Apparently
the combination of Windows Vista, Internet Explorer 7 running in
protected mode and signed applets is causing problems
Panasonic has released the first in-dash blu-ray player which includes BD-Java
Listener Feedback
Announcement - new Grand Central listener feedback number - call and
leave questions, opinions and other feedback for us and we might play
it on the show:
408 465 4626
Direct download: JavaPosse149.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 2:08pm PDT
Mon, 29 October 2007
Java Posse Episode 148 - Special from the Silicon Valley Code Camp
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Thanks to the Silicon Valley Code Camp guys - Peter Kellner for organizing the whole thing, and Mike Van Riper for inviting us
Mac OS 10.5 Leopard ships, but without Java 6
Mozilla getting into the RIA game with Prism
Java ME - the rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated
Java Development tool of the week - Crap4J
- JSR of the week: 298 - Telematics API
Library of the week: The Google Collections Library
Quick News Items
The JSR 311 group has released an early draft review of JAX-RS - the Java API for ReSTful services
JSR 299 - Web Beans - now has an early draft review up
- And speaking of Guice, The Server Side notes that Crazy Bob
has a tech talk up discussing the dependency injection, its uses, and
the reasons for writing it
- We mentioned seeing this library at the recent Sun Java FX
client event in San Francisco when Chet Haase demoed it to us, but the
transitions library is now available for you to download and use in
your own applications
Paypal CEO chases Runescape gold
Sun has release version 1.4.1 of JavaMail
Chris Adamson notes on the Editor's Daily Blog that there seems to be a Swing Renaissance taking place right now
The Gnu Project has release version 0.96 of Gnu Classpath
Ericsson has submitted JSR 319 - Availability Management for Java
- Friend to the Posse and fellow Java (albeit
NetBeans-centric) podcaster Roman Strobl is the latest interviewee on
NetBeans 6.0 Beta 2 is now available
- IBM's Websphere application server community edition (based
on Apache Geronimo) has just reached version 2.0 and now offers full
support for EE 5
Google now has a Java API for their Translate service
Continuing its incredible return to vibrancy, the Jython project has just released version 2.2.1
Direct download: JavaPosse148.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 10:27am PDT
Fri, 26 October 2007
Special Announcement - Silicon Valley Code Camp
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Just a quick reminder that we will be at the Silicon Valley code camp
tomorrow, Saturday Oct 27th for a live recording. If you are in the bay
area, why not come on by and see us. Better yet, come and spend the
whole day geeking out on all things Java (Saturday seems to be the Java
day, even though the camp is on for the whole weekend).
It's not too late to sign up, go to:
to register now. And we look forward to seeing you there.
If you don't live in the Bay Area or can't make it, the Posse episode
should be up some time on Sunday so please be patient. Thanks.
Direct download: JavaPosseCodeCamp.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 7:49am PDT
Sat, 20 October 2007
Newscast for October 19th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Correction - 2007 JCP Elections
Sun JavaFX and client evening in SF update....
Is Sun creating a Java based competitor to the iPhone?
Update on OpenJDK encumberances
Pair Programming, does it suck or are you doing it wrong?
The Future of Java on Mac OS X?
Java Application of the week - IntelliJ IDEA
Bonus java Application of the week - BabyTEL Eggphone
Quick News Items
- Sun has gone public with around a dozen security exploits in the Java runtime engine, many of them severe
IBM AlphaWorks details a new eclipse plugin that allows web based interaction with the eclipse IDE
The eclipse project has also released the first Rich AJAX Platform to use OSGi: RAP 1.0
- NetBeans OpenLaszlo support provides an alternative way of
building flash based rich internet applications without needing Adobe's
eclipse based flex builder
- has a new tutorial on building an EJB 3.0 application using NetBeans, GlassFish v2 and Apache Maven 2
- Eyvind A. Larre blogs about how he put together a new facebook application in 15 minutes using Java and JSP
Rick Ross at JavaLobby is rallying for putting Java on the OLPC (one laptop per child)
JOSSO (Java Open Single Sign On) 1.6 has been released
- JSR 264 - Order Processing API, the final release has now
been made for the JSR by Nokia, including a Reference Implementation
and TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit)
Chris Adamson on Java related podcasts
A new version of Compass, 1.2, is out
Nuxeo has released version 5.1 of its ECM (Enterprise Component Management) software
Sun's John Rose has a new project proposal over at OpenJDK: a multi-language VM
Eclipsecon 2008 is now accepting submissions for talks or tutorials
And TheServerSide Java Symposium 2008 also has a call for papers
- JasperAssistant has been updated to version 2.4.0
- The Silicon Valley Web Developer Java User Group has a
session by Gavin King about WebBeans (JSR 299 - based on his Seam work)
planned for their next meeting on October 16th
- DevX has a new article comparing Java FX, Adobe AIR, and
Microsoft's Silverlight for building next generation RIA (Rich Internet
JPOX 1.1.9 has been released
Ericsson and BenQ have published the public review draft for JSR 281 - IMS Services API
- In amongst the new exciting changes for the Java 6 Update N
(the new Consumer JRE which it getting a lot of attention right now) is
a new version of JAX-WS
Microsoft has announced that it will share the source code for .NET
- Atlassian looking for an open source systems administrator
Direct download: JavaPosse147.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 8:28am PDT
Sat, 13 October 2007
Roundup 07 Session - Convergence of Desktop, Web and Mobile Apps
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
- Google Desktop and Gadgets
- Flash for User Experience
- WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
- CAVE - Cave Automatic Virtual Environment
Direct download: JavaPosse146.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 12:51pm PDT
Sat, 6 October 2007
Newscast for October 4th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
We will be at the Silicon Valley Codecamp which runs Oct 27th to 28th at Foothills College, Los Altos, CA
First class support for properties in Java
Rails, is the honeymoon over?
The first early access release of the consumer JRE is now out for testing
Could it finally be? The Java OS is here?
Java Library of the Week - Enunciate 1.4
Java Application of the Week: OpenProj
Quick News Items
The final 1.0 version of Apache Tuscany is now out
Apple has pulled down the link to Java 6 b88 for Mac OS X 10.4
Luc Maisonobe has released Mantissa 7.1
- Eric LaFortune has released version 4.0 of ProGuard 4.0
which is an open source class file shrinker, optimizer and obfuscator
for Java
- has started taking nominations for the 2008 product of the year
The JCP (Java Community Process) Executive Committee elections are currently taking place
Tor has a nemesis: Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein blogs "No Tabs? Are you Nuts?"
Matt Raible has released version 2.0 of AppFuse
- Sean Sheedy blogs about what he is dubbing "JavaOne ME".
Actually the upcoming Java Mobile and Embedded Developer Days will take
place at Sun's Santa Clara office
Sun has made available the OpenJDK TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit) under a new open source license, GPLv2.
YourKit LLC has released a new version 7.0 of the YourKit Java Profiler
- Glassfish roundup - the recently release version 2 of the
open source Java application server Glassfish continues to get
attention in the headlines
Kaffe version 1.1.8 has been released
Sun has released a new version of Solaris Express Developer Edition
- Apache ServiceMix has graduated to a full Apache project.
ServiceMix is an Extensible Message Bus for service integration,
mediation and composition (for Service Oriented Architectures)
Direct download: JavaPosse145.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 8:57am PDT
Sat, 29 September 2007
Interview with Brian Chess from Fortify Software
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Brian is Chief Scientist and co-founder of Fortify Software and gave us
an interview all about internet security, and the possibility of using
static analysis to catch security problems only.
- Fortify Software homepage
- Brian's personal homepage
- The book - Secure Programming with Static Analysis
- Static Analysis
- Findbugs
- Other static analysis tools
- Buffer Overflow exploit
- Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
- SQL Injection
- Wikipedia list of common vulnerabilities
Direct download: JavaPosse144.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 7:36am PDT
Sat, 22 September 2007
Newscast for September 21st 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Glassfish v2 and NetBeans 6.0 Beta 1 have been released
- 2.3 has been released
Jens Eckels asks "Do we need an IDE 2.0 revolution"
SCO declares Chapter 11 bankruptcy
Java application of the week jIRCii
- Use it on our new Java Posse IRC channel - #javaposse on
Java Site of the Week: Mint
Quick News Items
The eclipse project has released eclipse PHP development tools 1.0
The Nimbus Look and Feel is nearing completion
Chet Haase and the timing framework project have announced version 1.0 of the timing framework
Version 1.0 of JSR 295 - the Beans Binding API, is now available for download
- is the home of the IcedTea project providing a completely unencumbered open source Java
Microsoft have released version 1.0 of Silverlight
Adobe has released the first public beta of Flex 3.0
Kirill Grouchnikov has announced version 4.0 of the Substance look and feel for Java
- A Ccomparison between the Java and .NET way of handling generics
- The Aquarium has a guide to the ReST initiatives for Java
Apache Tuscany version 0.99 has been released
The open source Java server Glassfish now has a wiki/user faq site
J/Invoke 1.0 has been released
- IBM developerworks has a new article describing how to invoke dynamic languages
- The new Cajo project provides a simple and very
small library to enable distributed computing using just three simple
methods in the API: export, lookup and proxy
NetBeans has a new module integrating the Google Checkout API through a new open source Google Checkout Java SDK project
- now has Tor's video interview about and demo of
the new NetBeans 6 rails features for constructing web applications
Version 1.6 of project Grizzly has been released
- Lance Anderson blogs that JDBC 4.0 is catching on with ever
more companies and organizations offering JDBC 4.0 compliant drivers
for their database
If you do a lot of JNI development you may be interested in the Intel integrated Java/JNI debugger
EclipseZone reports that a new milestone of the Whole Platform, 1.0.0.v20070912-1454
- Hudson continuous build engine continues to go from strength to strength
- Azul systems, makers of the very scalable Java hardware
solutions with the ability to run hundreds of concurrent Java threads
is in trouble
- IBM DeveloperWorks has made another handy little developer
tool available. The Lock Analyzer allows you to examine how Java locks
are performing in a live application
Direct download: JavaPosse143.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 12:55pm PDT
Fri, 14 September 2007
Meet up details for Oslo and Amsterdam
If anyone is interested, Carl and Dick will be in front of the Spektrum in Oslo (where the JavaZone conference was held) at the entrance where the rocket ship was (still is?) tonight (Friday 14th) at 8pm local time. We are intending to go looking for beer and possibly lutefisk. Anyone who wants to is welcome to meet up with us.
Also, tomorrow (Saturday 15th) Dick is aiming to be in Molly Malone's Irish Pub close to the Amsterdam Centraal station at around 8.30pm to 9pm (very roughly - depends on flight, time to find baggage, etc.) so if anyone would like to meet me there, please do.
Molly Malones Irish Pub
Oudezijds Kolk 9
1012 AL Amsterdam, Netherlands
Category: general
-- posted at: 12:55am PDT
Thu, 13 September 2007
Java Posse Episode 142 - Special from JavaZone 2007
Velkommen til Episode 142 av Java Posse - Ekstrasending fra JavaZone 2007!
Top reasons indicating you might be on a Broken Project:
It takes three months to add one checkbox to a web UI
Everything starts to look like it would be quicker to rewrite
Everyone on the project has "Architect" on their business card, and yet they never agree on anything!
Conversations start with "Oh, that, that's really simple, you just...." followed by a 30 minute description on what to do
You time your life around "the build"
The GUI is written in AWT... or HTML 3.2
Or! The GUI is written in something you wrote yourself
The project .... is a home grown web framework
Someone just added 5 more hours of meetings to your work week because "it's late"
The guy who is supposed to train you, throws a folder of notes at you and runs away cackling gleefully
The lines of XML outnumber the lines of Java 10:1
You ask about unit tests and get blank stares from everyone, or a "yeah, we should do that really"
Silicon Valley Code camp - October 27-28
NetBeans 6.0 Beta 1 getting close...
Java Applet of the week - Frozen bubble in an applet
Mobile Java App of the week: Opera mini beta 2
Java Library of the Week: Quaere by Anders Noras
Direct download: JavaPosse142.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:15am PDT
Sat, 8 September 2007
Roundup 2007 Session - Desktop and Web
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Recorded at the Java Posse Roundup 2007. Since this was recorded, the
landscape has changed a bit, with Adobe Apollo being renamed to Adobe
AIR, Java FX being launched at JavaOne, and Google Gears also being
released. The audio quality is what you would expect from a recorder in
the middle of the room with lots of people sitting around it.
- Google docs and spreadsheets, GMail
- JavaFX
- Adobe Flash, Flex and AIR
- Google Gears
- Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
- Dojo
- DWR and Reverse AJAX
- Military mesh networking
- Protein folding
- Human Genome project
- Semantic Web
- IPv6
- Apache Derby Database
- Firefox 2 local storage
- Comet for AJAX
- LiveConnect
- Canvas, SVG, VRML
- Desktop apps we use
Direct download: JavaPosse141.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 2:57pm PDT
Sat, 1 September 2007
Newscast for August 30th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Paramount defects from doing both Blu-ray and HD-DVD to doing just HD-DVD, CEO blames Java, but what is the whole story?
- Google Web Toolkit is now out of Beta with the release of the new version 1.4
Jython 2.2 has been released!
NetBeans Roundup - lots of things happening in the NetBeans camp this week
Java site of the week - Quicken Online, in JSF
Quick News
JSR 264 - Order Management API, has been approved by the JCP
- Greg Stein, the director of the Apache Software Foundation
was mugged outside his home, at the time he was on crutches from a
broken leg injury a couple of weeks before. Kevin Burton is having a
donation whip round to do something nice for Greg while he recovers
- If you are interested in Java/.NET interoperability with
WSIT, Arun Gupta has blogged a couple of useful links including a demo
of using Excel with Glassfish
The Mobile Phone/Smart Phone blog has a detailed review of the new Motorola ROKR E6
The glassfish team have posted up RC4 of glassfish v2 (and what they hope will be the final RC)
- If you missed the very popular Java Puzzlers technical
session at this year's JavaOne, or if you simply didn't make it to
JavaOne, you can still see it
- An InformIT article on HIJAX talks about how to plan for both JavaScript and non JavaScript browsers
- A new site collects Java related videos. D TV Java has
multiple views for selecting the video you might be interested in,
including a blog like view, thumbnail view and random selection
- We have sat upon this news item for a couple of weeks due
to problems accessing the site, but GridGain 1.5 offers an open source,
java based grid computing solution built on top of spring and JBoss. As
well as a 15 minute video demo of writing a grid application, and the
download itself, the gridgain company offers training, consulting and
support. They also seem to have a fondness for 2x2 rubiks cubes (which
seem like they wouldn't be much of a challenge to solve)
- ZDNet points out that a couple of security exploits found
by a Google engineer in the Java Image parsing code back in October
2006 are still not fixed for Java on Mac OS 10
- Sailfin, a SIPServlet communication application server
based on glassfish and contributions from Ericsson has reached
milestone one
Listener Feedback
- Neal Bartlett post to the Java Posse Google group about OSGi vs JSR 277
Direct download: JavaPosse140.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:04pm PDT
Thu, 23 August 2007
Newscast for August 23rd 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
More details on the Java Posse (Hello) World Tour
NetBeans 6.0 is to be released under the GPL v2 license with the Classpath exception (the same license as the OpenJDK)
TheServerSide has an article up about OpenID, saying that it is a great idea, but a bit bewildering for consumers
The PlentyOfCode blog has a useful list of Java decompilers and Java obfuscators
Library of the week: Jasper Reports 2.0
Java Application of the week: Hudson - Continuous Build engine
Quick News Items
- have launched a new column by David Flanagan, the author of Java in a Nutshell
- MyEclipse 6.0 is out. This new version is based on the new
Eclipse 3.3 Europa platform, and adds Java EE 6 support and "redefines
AJAX productivity"
Geronimo 2.0 has been released. The apache Java application server now offers full Java 5.0 support and is certified
- Romain Guy has put up 82 swing and 2d demos on his blog
that he and Chet Haase released to go along with their new book "Filthy
Rich Clients"
The latest version of SWTSwing, version 3.2.0005, brings the possibility of running SWT 3.2 on top of Swing
ServerSide again, this time Vladimir Blagojevic describes the new features in JGroups 2.5
Interface 21 has announced Spring Web Services 1.0
JSR 286 - the Portlet Specification 2.0, is in the public review ballot stage until August 27th
If you are looking for an easier way to call native code from Java on Windows, check out NativeCall
Kelly O'Hair has an update about the current status of moving the OpenJDK project to Mercurial
Google has released the proposed final draft for JSR 284 - Resource Consumption Management API
Oracle has just released a new version 3.4.42 of the Berkeley DB, Java edition
IBM Developerworks has a good article about mylyn 2.0 (formerly mylar), the task focused UI extensions for eclipse
JEuclid 3.0 has been released
Tim Boudreau has become a contributor to the apache wicket plugin for NetBeans project
Special Section for this week - Gossip
- Jim Louderback, Editor in Chief for PC Magazine, declared
this week that Vista just ain't cutting it, and that if Microsoft can't
get Vista working, he is contemplating moving to Linux
Direct download: JavaPosse139.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 6:24pm PDT
Sat, 18 August 2007
Newscast for August 16th 2007 and Glassfish Interview
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
JSR 291 (Dynamic Component Support for Java SE) has released it's final version
Mobile app of the week: J2MEdit
Library of the week - Flosc
Quick News Items
IntelliJ IDEA has reached version 7 milestone 2
Oracle has released Coherence 3.3
- has a podcast interview with Rod Johnson
from Interface 21 about Spring 2.0, and the upcoming Java EE 6 JSR
which Rod recently joined as an expert group member
- Codegear - formerly the developer tools division of
Borland, has released JGear, a suite of plugins for the eclipse
platform that enhance eclipses functionality in the areas of Java
application performance, visual development and team collaboration
Sun has a new program to make it easier for open source Java projects to access the Java TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit)
- The glassfish project has created a JSP (JavaServer Pages)
subproject to add to its list of subprojects like JSF, Grizzly,
JAXB/JAX-WS and so forth
Google has added StarOffice and the JRE to its Google Pack offering for windows
Forget LAMP, check out JAMP
- Addison Wesley Eclipse WTP book available
What's new in NetBeans Mobility Pack 6.0?
The eclipse process framework 1.2.0 has been released
Apache has released version 1.2.24 of the Apache Tomcat connectors
Glassfish InterviewWith Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart and Jerome Dochez from the Glassfish project - Glassfish home page
- RC1 (current as of podcast - look for newer versions!)
- v3 Preview (the bleeding edge)
- Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart's blog
- Jerome Dochez's blog
- JSR 316 (Java EE 6)
- JSR 317 (Java Persistence API 2.0)
- JSR 318 (Enterprise Java Beans 3.1)
Direct download: JavaPosse138.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:05am PDT
Fri, 10 August 2007
Newscast for August 9th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Iris is ready for the prime time (or at least general experimentation)
- has a description of a way to use Java and liveconnect to circumvent popup blocking tools
- In an article on InfoQ, Martin Fowler reckons we are
entering a software development stage where a single language like Java
will be replaced by Domain Specific Languages created for each task
Quick News Items
JSR 113 has a second proposed final draft for the Java speech API 2.0
The Aquarium has the second screencast about using jMaki JSF components, NetBeans IDE and GlassFish application server
- Sun is set to release a new 8 core, Niagara 2 chip this
week. The 8 core, 8 threads per core processor should be able to allow
up to 64 simultaneous running threads with suitable software
- Moomba has reached version 0.5. This new and quite
ambitious web UI framework provides an eclipse RCP for the web, the
idea being that developers already familiar with the Eclipse RCP can
build rich and ajax-y web applications using their RCP skills
- Not to be left out, Swing apps also now have a web UI
migration path. WebCream allows swing apps to be adapted into rich
internet applications (RIAs) providing automatic conversion to AJAX
The first release candidate is out for Glassfish v2
- A new Evans Data survey shows that Java is on the rise and
.NET is declining for implementing SOAs (Service Oriented
OpenJDK can now be built and run with FreeType, removing one of the remaining encumbrances from proprietary software
Listener Feedback
- Hands Of Romania charity is looking for laptops, servers, network peripherals and other donations
- Chet Haase on the state of video in Java
Direct download: JavaPosse137.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:13am PDT
Sat, 4 August 2007
Newscast for August 4th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
How much is your code worth?
- The new firefox 4 javascript VM, which will be based on
Tamarin (the engine donated to the project by Adobe), will run not only
JavaScript, but also Ruby and Python
JavaFX properties support
NetBeans to get first class Groovy support?
- Google has released a free tool - the Google Singleton Detector
And for another fun discussion, when should you use finalizers?
Applet of the week - Zombie Infection
Applet of the week - bonus - Bitlet
Quick News Items
- San Shin's website now has a hands on lab
for creating web applications using Sun's woodstock JSF components
which have just been open sourced by Sun
- Yahoo has release YSlow, a performance tool which helps you to determine why a site is slow
An updated version of the JavaFX plugin is now available for NetBeans
- Daniel Boekhoff has a new tutorial up at that
walks you through creating a Ruby on Rails application in NetBeans
- What ever happened to the Apache TCK open letter and blowup?
JBoss has released Drools 4.0
- Lifehacker has information about an OpenOffice extension that lets you write macros in Groovy
Oliver Widder JavaPosse World Tour Poster
- Chet Haase appears in the latest SDN tv episode talking about the new book Filthy Rich Clients
The San Diego JUG has a special appearance by James Gosling on August 8th
- If you have ever been interested in getting your own JSR
through the JCP, you might be interested in a new series on the JCP
site that explains each part of the process in detail. Part 3 in the
series has just been published, which explains the draft review process
Atlassian software have bought Cenqua
An eclipse RCP training world tour? Well, the USA and Europe anyway
Registration is now open for the eclipse summit Europe
A new JSF user group has been formed in Zürich, Switzerland and Ed Burns was the first presenter
- reports that Palm has very quietly released an update to the Websphere Everyplace Java ME environment for Palm OS
- Beelucid software has announced a limited release of a free
beta test version and unlimited release of a free trial version of
- BEA has released a suite of WebLogic server tools for
Eclipse Europa (3.3) to help develop, deploy and debug weblogic based
applications from the new version of Eclipse
Marc Fleury, former CEO of JBoss, has a short but interesting interview up at
Apache MyFaces has released version 1.2.0 of it's core JSF 1.2 compliant JSF components
- If you are interested in building web services with ReST,
Brian Leonard has a blog entry about how to do it easily using NetBeans
- Dozer 4.0, the new version of the Dozer bean mapping
framework, makes it easy to map properties from one bean to another for
recursive copying and other related uses
- The GPS tracker site allows you to track a cell phone using
a J2ME program running on that phone, and google maps to display the
Direct download: JavaPosse136.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 6:57pm PDT
Thu, 26 July 2007
Newscast for July 26th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
- A serious security flaw has been found which affects all versions of Java, on all platforms including mobile devices
- Joshua Marinacci hints and teases about stuff coming up with Java FX
- Netbeans 6 Milestone 10 (or consider the nightly builds)
- Lotus Exige (Joe's new toy)
Direct download: JavaPosse135.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 3:08pm PDT
Mon, 16 July 2007
Interview with Josh Reed about CHRONOS, ANDRILL and Antarctica
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Josh Reed is one of our long time listeners, and he wrote in to tell
us, from Antarctica! In this interview, Josh tells us what CHRONOS and
ANDRILL are all about, how they use Java, and of course what life is
like in Antarctica.
- Josh Reed's Blog
- Antarctica links
- John Carpenter's "The Thing"
Direct download: JavaPosse134.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 8:10pm PDT
Thu, 12 July 2007
Newscast for July 12th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Java EE 6 is back, but not as JSR 313, instead it will be JSR 316
- JSR 277 - the Java Module System, has released its first
snapshot (as has JSR 294 - the related Improved Modularity Support for
the Java language)
- Adobe has release AIR - the Adobe Integrated Runtime
- NetBeans 6 Milestone 10 is out
- Java 6 update 2 is now out, this new update incorporates 182 fixes and enhancements
Compiz and Beryl 3d window managers still troublesome with Java
Applet of the week - Deck Designer
Mobile app of the week: Bombus - a Jabber chat client for Java ME enabled phones
AND! A library of the week this week as well: WiiremoteJ
Quick News Items
InfoQ has published an interview with Bob Brewin, Sun's Software CTO
The OpenMoko neo1973 developer handset is now available for purchase
- Motorola has released information on the new Zante - the next generation sidekick
The playstation 3 price has dropped to $499
- Asterisk-Java 0.3 has been released
The BlueJ project has released a new version 2.2 of the BlueJ IDE
- JTR 4, an open source project from JTRunner is a testing
framework that makes it possible to distribute your testing to a farm
of JTR nodes, cutting the time to run all of the tests using parallelism
- JSRs 190 (Event Tracking API for J2ME) and 280 (XML API for
Java ME) have both been rejected by the JCP because of concerns with
the licensing of spec and implementation
- Could Java be coming to the iPhone? Our opinion: probably not any time soon unfortunately
Easy eclipse 1.3 has been released, the first easy eclipse based on the new Eclipse 3.3 europa release
- Sang Shin is adding a new Java Web Services course to his popular java skills site
While only in the rumor stages at this point, it sounds like Java 6 on the Mac will only be available on Leopard on Intel!
Cay Horstmann has a comparison of JSF development in both NetBeans and Eclipse
JBoss Portal 2.6 adds support for Google Gadgets
- While not really Java centric, clipperz blog has some
benchmarks of the new Tamarin javascript engine (donated by Adobe) that
will be in firefox 4
Web developers may be pleased to hear that JSFToolbox 2.0 is now available for use with Dreamweaver CS3
- Paul Sandoz of the glassfish team has succeeded in (and
blogged about) getting Scala running under the Glassfish application
JSR 315 - Servlet 3.0 - has been filed and approved by the JCP
- Javabeat has an introduction to JavaFX script programming
- Screencast-o-matic - a Java applet to record screencasts
- The Cologne JUG (or JUG Cologne as it is correctly named)
held an IDE shootout between Eclipse, NetBeans, JDeveloper and IntelliJ
Seam 2.0 - Gavin King's conversational state framework (and contributor to JSR 299 web beans) has entered beta
JBoss has announced that JBossWS 2.1.0 will support Metro
- Bruce Eckel has a number of other Open Space conferences (like the roundup) coming up in the next few months
Direct download: JavaPosse133.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 8:21pm PDT
Tue, 10 July 2007
Interview with Bill Pugh and Brian Goetz
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Recorded at JavaOne 2007
Brian Goetz
- Bill Pugh
- Findbugs
- JSR 305: Annotations for Software Defect Detection
- JSR 308: Annotations on Java Types
- Functional Languages:
- Guice
- Fortress
- Guy Steele's talk on Growing a Language
Direct download: JavaPosse132.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:10pm PDT
Wed, 4 July 2007
Walking Around JavaOne 2007 - Part 2
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
This episode is part two of our recordings from walking around JavaOne
and talking to people we meet. Joe does most of the work in this
- John Todd - Photographer
- Bruce Eckel and Mindview
- James Ward and Adobe Flex/Flash/Apollo
- Eric Arseneau - SunSpot
- Systronix - SunSpot and TrackBot
- Greenfoot project
- SoftwareFX - ChartFX JSF components (plus free community edition)
- Caucho technology - resin application server
- David Heron - OpenJDK
- David Intersimone (David I) from Codegear (was Borland)
- Agitar and JUnitFactory (Bob Evans)
- University of Sydney (Peter Whitfield - real time Java slot car winner)
- Vernon Singleton - Walt Disney World
Direct download: JavaPosse131.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 2:00pm PDT
Fri, 29 June 2007
Newscast for June 28th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at Java 6 on Mac OS X Leopard (10.5) - It's alive!
- Eclipse Europa has been released by the Eclipse foundation
- Simon Morris has an interesting opinion piece up on about the future of Rich Internet Applications
- In the gossip section this week, is Sun being immoral by
"Tying" Java to NetBeans, come to that, is it even really tying Java to
- Do you need Abject Oriented Programming?
An almost CPU free pattern with AJAX - RAJAX
Java website of the week - Josh and Friends - the number one dance and music community
- Java Mobile App of the Week - Opera Mini 4 Beta
Quick News Items
- Sun has submitted the Servlet 3.0 specification to the JCP as JSR 315.
The JCP award nominations for five different categories in selecting the best JSRs for the year are now open
- While not exactly Java related, Sir Tim Berners Lee has
received the Order of Merit, one of the most prestigious awards in the
- Cay Horstmann has been delving into .NET and concludes that the grass isn't always greener on the other side
- Google Developer Days session videos available on
Computer Business Review Online has a Q&A with James Gosling, the Father of Java
- JavaBeat has a new article by Shunmuga Raja that covers the new features of Java 6 that might well be worth bookmarking
A new open source operating system called the Artix OS has been created on SourceForge
Yakov Fain has made the Java Tutorial for Kids available as a free download
Atlassian software has released Crowd version 1.1, with lots of new OpenID focused features
- Apache has released MyFaces Orchestra, which enables
conversational scoping and persistence integration with JSF (which is
also what Seam and the new WebBeans does). Orchestra uses Spring to
achieve this important gap-filling
- Stanford has bought the first Project Blackbox, Sun's ready-to-go super computer in a shipping container
- Egil
Sorensen, a student at NTNU in Trondheim, has added replication and hot
fail-over to the JavaDB pure java relational database
- At
least some of the multimedia and supporting information is now
available for technical sessions and hands on labs from JavaOne 2007
- Howard Lewis Ship and the tapestry team have released Tapestry 4.1.2 and OGNL (Object Graph Notation Language) 2.7
- Sun has renamed the JAX-WS + Project Tango combination to Project Metro
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 8:51am PDT
Sun, 24 June 2007
Walking Around JavaOne 2007 - Part 1
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
This episode is part one of our recordings from walking around JavaOne
and talking to people we meet. Hopefully it gives a taste of what it is
like walking around in the pavilion and corridors of JavaOne, and the
kind of interactions you have while doing so. There will be a second
episode. Dick does a lot of the talking on this one, in part 2, Joe
does a lot more of the work.
Sonia AUV
- Cenqua - makers of Clover, Fisheye and Crucible development tools
- Microsoft - Projects Tango and Silverlight
- Agitar Software
- Interface 21 - the Spring Framework
- Fortify Software and the Man from Hackistan
- The Server Side
- community site, and JUGs
- Starcom - who managed to get us our T-shirts in less than 12 hours
- Amy Fowler and Shannon Hickey from Swing Labs and the Swing Team
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
- Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse129.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:37am PDT
Wed, 20 June 2007
Interview about Java User Groups and Community
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Recorded at JavaOne 2007, this is an interview with Bruno Souza, Ean
Schuessler, Daniel Brookshier, David Jones and of course, Juggy. Be
sure and keep listening at the end for an easter egg. This interview
was loads of fun, thanks to all the guys for doing it. Bruno Souza Ean Schuessler Daniel Brookshier David E. Jones Juggy to (some) topics we discussed: Apache Open For Business (OFBiz) - Open Source Java - JUGs Community - NetBeans - OFBiz Talk at JavaOne (with the Generals, Juggy and David) JuggySession?authkey=EP2AX3XuTMI
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse128.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 8:06pm PDT
Sat, 16 June 2007
Newscast for June 13th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Should checked exceptions be removed from Java?
What will happen to Java on the Treo now?
Details starting to emerge about Apple's future direction
Java developer tool of the week - SAP Memory Analyzer
And a bonus - cool Java Media app of the week - Media Center X
Quick News Items
Trolltech, makers of the QT GUI toolkit (as used by KDE on Linux) has released QT Jambi
- Sun has announced their full support for OpenID
Chris Oliver and the Open JFX Script team have released a new version of Java FX Script
Did you know that as well as the NetBeans Java FX plugin, there is also one for eclipse?
Roman Strobl over at has a video tutorial for getting started with NetBeans 6.0
Apache has release SOLR 1.2
Solaris Developer edition - new version 5/07 release
Gigaspaces 6.0 has been announced, and it allows POJOs in JavaSpaces to work with Spring
A new JMaki extension for Google Gears from Greg Murray
- Tips and advice from Josh Bloch and Bill Pugh's Java Puzzlers at JavaOne this year
Apache has released version 1.0 of Synapse
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse127.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:05pm PDT
Wed, 13 June 2007
Simulcast with Coté from Drunk and Retired
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
This is an informal chat and analysis recorded at JavaOne with Michael Coté from the podcast.
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse126.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 7:34am PDT
Sat, 9 June 2007
Newscast for June 7th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Redhat forking Java? It's a good thing really
Eclipse 3.3 RC3 (release candidate 3) has been released
JSF - why hasn't it taken over the world
Microsoft is just too busy to back up their threats
- More details on a new, small, consumer JRE to compete with Flash
Google released Google Gears - a toolkit that allows web applications to be better threaded and also to work offline
- Mobile java app of the week - webaroo
Quick News Items
- Charles Oliver Nutter, Thomas Enebo and Ola Bini have posted the release for JRuby 1.0 based on Ruby 1.8.5.
- The JDJ has announced the contenders for the JDJ readers awards
The Sun Developer Network has published an interview with Josh Bloch that covers many different topics
- NetBeans 5.5.1 includes a number of bug fixes and also support
for v2 of Glassfish. It also adds windows vista as a supported platform
Java FX quick roundup - more information about the new Java FX initiative
- ReportMill - a Java FX RAD tool
- Google checkout is offering credit card transaction
processing for free until the end of 2007, and Inderjeet Singh has put
together instructions on how to use checkout from Glassfish
- Martin Odersky has released version 2.5 final of Scala, an alternative programming language that uses the JVM
- Apache Geronimo milestone 6 has passed the Java EE 5 TCK
meaning that it is now possible to deploy Java EE 5 applications to the
apache open source Java application server
- IBM has a
tutorial on using a Google Web Toolkit front end with a back end
written using the Apache Geronimo application server
- Sun has announced that they will not enforce patents on their
OpenID digital identity framework against anyone else who does not
enforce their patents on OpenID either
- Novell has released Mono 1.2.4
- PDFs of the slides are now available from the technical sessions at JavaOne 2007
- JDeveloper, OC4J (Oracle Containers for Java) and Toplink are all now available in 11g preview form
Genuitec have released version 5.5 final of MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench
- NetBeans has a new support module for the Sun Grid Engine (also sometimes called the Sun utility grid)
- Antlr 3.0, a very popular "compiler compiler" for the Java platform, has been released by Terrence Parr
- There is now a good online map available of the whole Runescape world if you are a fan of the game
- Arun Gupta has a short getting started guide which makes it easy to get going with JRuby on Rails
- Motorola has released the RAZR 2 and MotoROKR Z6 phones, both of which use a Java on Linux platform
- Felipe Gaucho blogs about the three kinds of Java distribution
hell: Classpath hell, Jar hell and Extension hell, and how JSR 277 is
trying to fix all three
- GWT - the Google Web Toolkit - version 1.4 RC is now available
- has a new plugin portal for sharing NetBeans plugin modules
- Bill Pugh has released version 1.21 of findbugs, the static analysis bug finding tool
- The oldest IDE in existence, Emacs, has just reached version 22
- Helios has released Linux for the Playstation 3
- John O'Conner adds his voice to the chorus of people proclaiming JSR 296 (The Swing Application Framework) is good
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse125.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:21pm PDT
Wed, 30 May 2007
Interviews on Java FX Mobile and OpenJDK
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
This is a pair of interviews we conducted at Java one. The first is
with Jacob Lehrbaum and John Mulner about Java FX mobile (the new Java
on Linux phone platform announced at JavaOne) and the second is with
Rich Sands about Open JDK.
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse124.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 7:58am PDT
Sat, 26 May 2007
Interviews with Robert Brewin, Greg Bollella and Dave Hofert
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
This is a combination of two interviews conducted at the 2007 JavaOne
conference. The first is with Bob Brewin - CTO of Sun Software (the bit
that covers Java), and the second is with Dave Hofert and Greg
Bollella, a fairly technical discussion about the Java Real Time System
2.0 and real time garbage collection.
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse123.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 4:44pm PDT
Mon, 21 May 2007
JavaOne Retrospective Part 2 - May 15th 2007
Part 2 of the JavaOne Retrospective recorded live at the SV Web JUG meeting. Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Curriki and Engineers without Borders
Robosapien Toy (JavaOne Geek Gadget)
Demo: NetBeans 6 - TOR!!!
Demo: Blu-Ray Disc Java (BDJ)
Quick News-athon
AB5k (Josh Marinacci and Robert Cooper's widgets project) has been renamed to glossitope
Google has a couple of new ReST tools, ReST describe tools that provide
a best guess WADL (Web Application Description Language) from looking
at a list of example ReST messages, while ReST compile takes a WADL and
creates language bindings for many different languages
Microsoft has released the DLR (Dynamic Language Runtime) based on it's
CLR for .NET. The new DLR targets dynamic languages with extra VM level
features. We will have more on this in a future episode
Netbeans has added Mercurial support (which is useful as the Java
source code has been released using Mercurial). Mercurial is a
decentralized (or distributed) source control system
Runescape, the Java MMORPG (and former applet of the week from way
back) has passed 1 million paying subscribers and over 10 million
members (you can pay for free)
Although you have probably heard by now, Guillaume Laforge and the
groovy team have released a new Beta version of Groovy 1.1, and it now
has annotations support. At present, you can only use and not write
annotations in Groovy, but it is the first non Java language that runs
on the JVM to use them
The apache project has released Jackrabbit 1.3 - an open source
implementation of JSR 170 - Content Repository for Java Technology API
Charles Oliver Nutter, Thomas Enebo and Ola Bini have released JRuby
0.99, which is compatible with Ruby 1.85. It also now supports the new
Bean Scripting Framework (more on this soon too)
A 12 year old Nigerian has become a Sun Certified programmer. Allwell
Worgu is not the first 12 year old to pass the certification though, a
pakistani girl received the certification at the same age some 6 years
ago (name unknown...)
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse122.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 10:23pm PDT
Thu, 17 May 2007
JavaOne Retrospective from the SVJUG - May 15th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Part 1 - the big items...
- Microsoft accuses Open Source Software of infringing 235 patents
JavaOne Big Announcements:
Java now open sourced - apart from a small number of IP encumbered bits
Java FX Script and Java FX Mobile projects announced
Project Wonderland - Like second life only better, and more business oriented (at least in the first demo version)
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse121.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 8:35pm PDT
Sat, 12 May 2007
JavaOne BoF Special
A special from our BoF at JavaOne. Rough coverage of the news from
JavaOne (or at least the big items), plus some industry news important
enough to make it in. Mainly just having a good time and enjoying the
fact that people can talk back for once.
If you can make it, please join us for the post JavaOne analysis on
Tuesday May 15th at Verisign. You must register to join in the fun
(otherwise Verisign won't let you in), but there will be beer, pizza
and prizes including one SunSpot pack (3 sunspots) which is an awesome door prize (and about $600ish value as well). To find out more and register, please take a look at
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
JavaOne News
- The technical sessions and labs will be up on the web in a month or so, but in the meantime you can see the keynotes online
- JavaFX - declarative scripting desktop and applet tool to compete with Flash has been announced by Sun
- JavaFX Mobile - new phone platform for next gen devices also announced by Sun
- Real Time Java (JSR 1) version 2.0 (now with real time garbage collection)
- Java App of the week - World Wind in Java (from NASA)
- Java Web App of the week - Iris - online photo browsing and editing
- Engineers without borders formation - could not yet find a direct
link, but there is a news article about it. It is a collaboration
between Sun and the UN
- Curriki - bonus Java web site of the week
- Oracle JDeveloper 11g preview available
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse120.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:50pm PDT
Tue, 8 May 2007
Important Information for Tonight's BoF
Category: general
-- posted at: 7:23pm PDT
Mon, 7 May 2007
Java Posse Episode 119 - CommunityOne Special
Java Posse Episode 119 - Special from Netbeans day (part of community one day), May 7th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Java/Quicktime security flaw fixed
JRuby has some competition - Microsoft announces IronRuby
the tools/recommendations, please use Google - I have insufficient time
to make links to each although I might come back in and do it later
(after JavaOne).
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
- Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
- Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
- Opening - "Java" the
parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and Marjorie Music Publ.
(BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr of the Dr. Demento
Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI popular song,
"Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce by his dad.
Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse119.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 3:29pm PDT
Thu, 3 May 2007
Newscast and Java Desktop Roundtable
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Please remember to sign up for the May Silicon Valley JUG if you want
to come and see us there, Verisign will not allow people in unless they
are registered, so please register if you even think you might make it
(to make sure you can get in). To register, email Van Riper following
the instruction given on the announcement page. Thanks.
And keep an eye on the Google code blog to see what events will be
happening at the Google booth next week (yes, we are that disorganized
:-) )
Countdown to JavaOne almost over - Next week!
Quicktime Java library at the heart of a serious exploit on Macs and PCs
- The Java Video and Multimedia App discussed (let's call it our Java App of the Week)
Groovy wins the JAX 2007 innovation award
Adobe open-sources Flex SDK
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse118.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 8:30am PDT
Thu, 26 April 2007
Newscast for April 24th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
- What would you like to see for a Google presence at JavaOne this year?
How much openness is good for a JSR?
Ubuntu Feisty Fawn (also known as 7.04) has been released, and it includes Java
Is the eclipse visual editor dead?
Mobile app(s) of the week - Jitter and Twitteresce
Quick News Items
Aptana, the eclipse based IDE focused on web development, has added
Ruby on Rails support to its list of features using radrails
The eclipse foundation will be hosting a party at Jillian's on the wednesday during JavaOne
Netbeans now has a Seam plugin
- has introduced a sample catalog
The Artemis project has released the first Alpha
IBM Developerworks have a new tutorial introducing 3d programming in Java
The Apache project has released Jakarta Commons Configuration 1.4
Kirill Grouchnikov has just released a new version, 3.3, of the substance look and feel for Java
Mobile and embedded podcast
Listener Feedback
- Liftweb web framework for Scala
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse117.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 12:29pm PDT
Thu, 19 April 2007
Newscast for April 18th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Sun is purchasing the intellectual property of CDC spec phone maker SavaJe
JSR 203 - New NIO in final draft stage
Sun has issued an initial response to the Apache open letter from last week concerning licensing terms for the Java TCK
Jeff Cunningham asks the question, is Java development really that slow compared with RoR or other dynamic frameworks?
- Mac OS 10 Leopard is delayed until October to make
developers available for the iPhone, apple announced this week, but
what does this mean for Java 6 on the mac platform?
Java Application of the Week - Sunflow - a free and open source raytracing renderer written in Java
Quick News Items
Genuitec have announced Java EE 5 support in their new version 5.5 M2 of MyEclipse
The Coolest Beans yet? Our own Tor Norbye sheds his radio persona for a TV spot on the latest SDN channel video podcast
Sharad Acharya has a very detailed blog entry about JDBC 4.0
The Restlet project has reached version 1.0 final
- Bookmark this page! Java 6 might feature the most optimized
and controllable JVM yet, but do you know all of the VM flags? This
page gives a complete list of the flags that can be applied for just
about any control you might think of. Watch out - there are a lot
Apache Mina, now at version 1.1, provides an abstraction framework for network operations
- Jetbrains new 2.0 version of TeamCity, the collaboration
tools suite featuring continuous build, monitoring, issue tracking and
more, now offers improved plugins to allow projects running eclipse and
visual studio .NET as well as intelliJ IDEA.
- Not sure what you want to go and see at JavaOne. If you are
interested in Java ME or Desktop Java, there are a couple of handy
guides to some top destinations for each
- IBM has a beginners tutorial on Haskell which is a
functional language. You will need an IBM ID to read the tutorial but
registration is free.
Google will be having a Global Developer Day at various Google offices around the world on May 31st
jMock 2 has been released
- Elders, a Major Australian public company, has just opted
to replace their 10 year old supply chain with a Java solution based on
standards and created by a local company
Sun has given their webservices page on SDN a makeover
Listener Feedback
Groovy Eclipse plugin - much better than previously characterized, with full debugging support and much more
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse116.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 8:09am PDT
Mon, 16 April 2007
Posse Roundup 2007 - Java IDEs
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
- The three "bigs"
- The Competition
- Borland - now supplies plugins for eclipse
- Eclipse plugins
- NetBeans plugins
- Findbugs - everyone loves it
- JSR 198 - Standard Extension API for IDEs
- Oracle JDeveloper
- MyEclipse
- Mylar for Eclipse
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse115.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:48am PDT
Thu, 12 April 2007
Newscast for April 11th 2007...
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
CommunityOne is the day before JavaOne, and the Posse will be there
- What would you like to see for a Google presence at JavaOne this year?
Ed Burnette asks: is Flash better than Java
- Gavin King's Java EE 6 Wishlist
A recent digg posting highlights the fact that, despite being the third
most requested enhancement, there is no 64 bit java plugin for AMD64
machines (or EMT64 if you use Intel)
Geir Magnusson, the leader of the Apache Harmony project - an open
source implementation of the Java standard under the Apache license,
has left his job at Intel to join the Internet TV startup company
Joost, and written an open letter to Sun
Java website of the week - infact book search
Applet(s) of the week - the Nintendo Emulator
Quick News Items
Sun has released Java 6 update 1
Vladimir Sizikov has a couple of useful blog entries if you are trying to track down memory leaks in your java application
Spring will be at CommunityOne day before JavaOne 2007
- Charles Oliver Nutter will be appearing at CommunityOne day to talk about and answer questions on Ruby, JRuby and JRuby on rails
The Netbeans 5.5 IDE now has the UML module available for download
Artima has a great interview with Peter von der Ahé about JSR 199 (the
java compiler API) and how it will improve the tooling experience both
within NetBeans and with other IDEs as well
- Recent activity on specs showing up both in the JCP or in pre JCP form in the leadup to JavaOne
Move over office live, here comes eclipse live
Check out Dan Morrill's article on the GWT google group about security in GWT
Dean Iverson has a JSR 296 - Swing Application Framework tutorial on his blog
- This week both James Gosling and Chris Adamson have been messing with AB5k
BD Java standard mandatory for future blu ray players
Listener Feedback
- Writing your own GPS application for a mobile device
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse114.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:04pm PDT
Mon, 9 April 2007
Posse Roundup 2007 - Java Widgets
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
- AB5k Main Site
- Help find the new name, win valuable prizes
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
- Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
- Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
- Opening - "Java" the
parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and Marjorie Music Publ.
(BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr of the Dr. Demento
Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI popular song,
"Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce by his dad.
Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse113.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 7:14am PDT
Thu, 5 April 2007
Java Posse Episode 112 - Newscast for April 3rd 2006
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
JavaOne 2007 just a month away
JSR 295 - Beans Binding
Plugin of the week - EclEmma
Think of a new name for AB5k and win a book - the Java Tutorial
Quick News Items
A new, female oriented Java User Group called Java Duchess has started in Amsterdam
Glassfish at the next Java Web Developer's BOF in the Googleplex in Mountain View on April 17th
The JavaServer Faces specification project has released an early pre-JCP draft of its proposal for JSF 2.0
Dragon's Lair on Blu Ray Java Disc
Nimbus look and feel for Java
Listener Feedback
Hibernate shards and JBoss IDE
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse112.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:33am PDT
Mon, 2 April 2007
Roundup 2007 Session - Whither Java?
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Recorded at the Java Posse Roundup 2007, this session examines what's
next for Java, but not necessarily in the "Beyond Java" sense of
everything going Ruby. In fact, the discussion focuses more on the
switch to a more functional view of programming, but within the
confines of a practical application language (i.e. not one that
requires you to do everything in a functional way). This session was
convened by Joel Neely.
The Haskell functional programming language
- Fibonacci in Haskell
- Currying functions
- Scala (with functional programming features)
- Functional Programming from Wikipedia
- Fortress
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse111.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:12am PDT
Wed, 28 March 2007
Newscast for March 27th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Nimbus - new slick look and feel for Java
Researchers at Oxford University have created an x86 emulator in Java
Hibernate gets Sharding, plus new Searching and Validation functionality
The Serverside Java symposium took place last week in Las Vegas
Java (or rather Scala!) Library of the Week - Liftweb - like Rails for Scala
Mobile app of the week - Telenav Navigator - Reviewed by Jackie
- Book recommendation: Java Generics and Collections by Maurice Naftalin and Philip Wadler - published by O'Reilly and Associates
Quick News Items
Registration for Glassfish Day 2007 is now open
- The future of glassfish - v3
- Does the glassfish project validate Jonathan Schwartz's new
Open Source to drive Volume strategy as a good direction for Sun
- John Backus - the leader of the IBM team that created
Fortran, the first widely used, higher level computer programming
language, has died at the age of 82
Geertjan blogs about his new Groovy editor for NetBeans IDE
A new project for running GWT in NetBeans has been started by Thomas Szlota and Tomas Zezula
The 2007 Jolt award winners have been announced
Chet Haase and Romain Guy's new book "Filthy Rich Clients" is now available for pre-order on
Lukas Hasik has a set of new movies demonstrating the new SVG features in the NetBeans Mobility pack
Google has released a new Picasa Web Albums API based on its GData APIs to allow access and upload to the picture data through the GData feeds
- Microsoft has given in to EU pressure and has opened up many of its file formats and protocols rather than face further fines
Michael Urban over at Javalobby blogs about the new GTK look and feel for Java on linux
- Not Java related, but very interesting, The register notes
that new Biometric Passports in the UK with embedded RFID chips are
able to be cloned en masse without even opening the envelope they are
Listener Feedback
Accessing Java through Perl
Payments by Mobile Phone
New Version of the Eclipse Scala Plugin
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse110.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 7:27am PDT
Sun, 25 March 2007
Roundup 2007 Session - Forking Open Source Java
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
This is one of a series of sessions recorded at the Java Posse Roundup
conference, 2007. Audio in this series was recorded using a simple mic
setup to record the whole room, so quality may not be as high as a
normal "studio" recording. The sessions are being released in no
particular order. While pains have been taken to remove any
inappropriate material, there is a chance that some may have been
missed, however this should not be common.
Links of interest for this session:
- James Gosling's Transcendental Meditations
- The other side of the story - a thread on
- The Kitchen Sink Project on
- Cleaning up the old deprecated method calls
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse109.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 5:26pm PDT
Wed, 21 March 2007
Newscast for March 20th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Guice - a new dependency injection (DI) framework has been release by "Crazy" Bob Lee from Google
Daylights savings bug affects Java, perhaps more than expected
Brian Goetz says that people should stop trying to early-optimize the code - just write it and trust the JVM
And a quick Google roundup
Java Applet of the week - actually an applet site of the week - JHLabs
Java Application of the week - AB5k
Quick News Items
- Comparing Java and Scala with side by side examples
No Fluff Just Stuff comes to South Florida
Adobe has released Apollo - their new Flash based technology for creating desktop applications
CNet has a new interview with James Gosling where he talks about his vision for where Java should go next
Arun Gupta blogs that Sun has introduced its Web Developer Pack
Glassfish goes on the road
- Oracle has released its Toplink product as open source into
the eclipse foundation community and is increasing its involvement
within that community
- Tikal Eclipse offers an open source Eclipse based distro
with easy installation and pre-packaged with plugins for Java, J2EE,
C/C++, Perl, PHP and Python
Bill Venners invites you to tell him what sucks about Java
Cenqua have released a public beta of Crucible, a team code review application
And finally, if your Java apps don't look "Maccy" enough on your Mac, you might want to check out Quaqua
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
To contact us:
Direct download: JavaPosse108.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:25am PDT
Tue, 13 March 2007
Just a quick note to say that all of the sessions were recorded from the Roundup and will be released soon as podcasts. I am still working through the details of how to release them (bandwidth being the major consideration, and also not saturating the regular podcast channel - it is likely there will be a second channel just for the roundup sessions). Links and notes will accompany the episodes.
The quality is perfectly audible for the sessions but will not be as good as regular Posse episodes - rather than encumber people with microphones and speaking orders, the recorders were just placed in the middle of the room to pick up whatever was said (plus some ambient noise).
Anyway - rest assured that every session we recorded will go out as a podcast and we have no interest in holding them back. Any delay will be due to a combination of available bandwidth and my time in processing the audio to enhance the quality as much as possible.
Category: general
-- posted at: 7:41am PDT
Sun, 11 March 2007
Special from the Java Posse Roundup 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
First and foremost: thanks to everyone who attended and making it the excellent event it has turned out to be.
Thanks to Bruce Eckel for doing all the heavy lifting in making it happen And thanks for the supporting swag to Adobe, Cenqua, Google,
O'Reilly Media Inc., Sun Microsystems and Mindview Inc. All donations
were given with no strings attached and we greatly appreciate the
Crested Butte and facilities:
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
- Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
- Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
- Opening - "Java" the
parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and Marjorie Music Publ.
(BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr of the Dr. Demento
Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI popular song,
"Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce by his dad.
Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse107.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 8:09pm PDT
Wed, 7 March 2007
Newscast for March 5th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
- The Java One engine is started and warming
up, including a number of events on the Monday before the big show
starts - in the Moscone center, SF
Sun Microsystems has become a corporate patron for the FSF (Free Software Foundation)
Java ME - the next generation
Google apps launched - Java web site of the week
Quick News Items
A new point release - 3.2.2 - of Eclipse is now available
Pluto 1.1, an open source reference implementation of the Java Portal
Specification (JSR 168) has been released by the apache project
A new plugin for eclipse - MaintainJ version 1.0
Panasonic has released finished specs for two new JSRs. The first JSR
164 is JAIN (Java Advanced Intelligent Networking) SIMPLE (precise
acronym unknown at present, but a superset of SIP - Session Initiation
Protocol) Presence, and the second is JSR 165 - SIMPLE Instant
Messaging. The two combine to provide instant messaging and presence
awareness between devices using either the SIP or SIMPLE protocol
An interesting proposal on shows one way of exposing EJB3
Entity Beans through an easy REST API automatically (or automagically
as referenced in the blog)
Sun has organized the reference articles and other learning material
for Java Studio Creator into a free all-in-one programming guide
available on the Sun Developer Network
The Eclipse Foundation has announced the 2007 board member election results
Seam 1.2 GA has been released
Congratulations to James Gosling for being awarded the Order of Canada
JSwat version 4.0 has been released by Nathan Fiedler. JSwat is a GUI
based standalone debugger built on top of the Java Debugger Platform
Ruby on Rails, running on Glassfish and an embedded Derby
Project Tango releases milestone 3. Tango is the compatibility project
between Java and the Windows Communication Foundation (.NET)
Finally, standardized deployment onto application servers. JSR 88
provides a standard API to deploying pre-packaged or assembled
applications to an application server
The Session Schedule for the 2nd annual Server Side Java Symposium Europe has been announced
Dierk König (Lead author of the book Groovy in Action) and Sven Haiges are producing a new series of podcasts about Groovy
Missed your chance to speak at JavaOne? JavaZone 2007, the Java
conference held in Oslo by the Norwegian Java Users Group has put out a
call for papers
Listener Feedback
Blu Ray vs. HD-DVD Facts
- Several BD-Java enhanced disks have been released. "Pirates of the Caribbean" is an upcoming example
- Blu-Ray is outselling HD DVD. Some sites are tracking Amazon relative sales rankings:
- There are more announced movies for Blu-Ray than HD DVD:
Comes vs. Microsoft documents
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse106.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 4:54pm PDT
Sun, 25 February 2007
Interview with Joe Winchester of IBM
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
- IBM Developerworks
IBM Alphaworks
Joe's favorite alphaworks projects
Map24 - Java applet based mapping
IBM Websphere
Apache Geronimo and Harmony
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse105.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:05am PDT
Wed, 21 February 2007
Newscast for February 20th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Join us for the Java Posse Roundup 2007 in Crested Butte, CO from March 6th-9th 2007
Cafe au Lait's Elliotte Rusty Harold poses a question about the new JSR 311 - Java API for RESTful services
The finalists for the Eclipse community awards have been named
Sun releases Solaris Express, Developer Edition, and Startup Essentials
- Rod Johnson, the father of interface21's Spring Java
Framework, has blogged about spring support in glassfish, and
particularly how good it is
Perhaps things are getting better for Java Multimedia?
Java application of the week - Ted - the Torrent Episode Downloader
Java applet of the week - the ENIAC simulator
Quick News Items
- The JMaki AJAX components project has now released a plugin for eclipse as well as the netbeans plugin
The OSGI alliance has added five new members: BEA Systems, Jayway AB, Interface21, Eclipse and IONA technologies
- Sleepycat software are requesting developer feedback on their proposed new Java API for the Berkeley DB
Cenqua have just released version 1.3 of fisheye
Also - if you decide to buy and mention the Posse, Pete Moore says you can get one of the highly coveted t-shirts as well
- The third part of the developerworks series about writing
an application using a combination of GWT, Derby and Eclipse is now
Google has launched the summer of code 2007 program
ALM works has released a 1.0 client for the JIRA issue and bug tracking system from Atlassian
- JSR 310 - the new Java Date and Time API that we mentioned
recently, has been voted in with 15 yes votes and only 1 non vote (from
A new version of JOSSO (Java Open Single Sign-On) is now available
- MyEclipse - providers of the enhanced set of plugins for
the eclipse IDE, have branched out to offering some of their plugins
for both NetBeans and Visual Studio .NET!
OpenXava claims to have a highly productive alternative to Ruby on Rails based on full Java standards
Listener Feedback
- Open source numbers - Sun and IBM
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse104.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 8:18am PDT
Tue, 13 February 2007
Newscast for February 13th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Dedicated to the memory of Greg Neff, without whom the Java Posse
podcast would not exist, and who was tragically killed in a car
accident on Thursday night.
Special opening music thanks to Mark Heimonen for Melancholy, obtained through the podsafe music network.
Join us for the Java Posse Roundup 2007 in Crested Butte, CO from March 6th-9th 2007
The future for Java in 2007 according to IBM Developerworks:
- Marc Fleury, founder of JBoss (the original open-source
Java EE application server) has announced that he will not be returning
to RedHat (who acquired JBoss a few months back) as previously expected
after his current paternity leave
There is a protype implementation for the JSR 296 Swing Application Framework now available from
New JSR-310 to finally sort out Java Date and Time API
Applet of the week -
Quick News Items
Eclipse 3.3 Milestone 5 is now out
- Squish, an automated testing tool for GUI applications from
Froglogic, has added Java Swing, SWT, AWT and RCP/Eclipse support in
the latest version 3.1
There is now a preview version of the Netbeans 6.0 installer available for the M6 release of the upcoming Netbeans
- Do you have a favorite Java ME application for a phone or
other mobile device? Would you like to win a PlayStation 3, a Sony
Ericsson K800 mobile phone and more prizes by making a short video
about it. Check out the competition that is running for more
- Gilad Bracha, Neal Gafter, James Gosling, Peter von der Ahé
have posted a new version, 0.5, of their Closures for Java proposal
- Microsoft is dropping J# support, their version of the Java
language for the .NET platform, from future versions of Visual Studio
- Jayson Falkner blogs that the latest Java 6 snapshot fixes
problems that Linux users have been seeing with the new Compiz/Beryl 3d
window managers when using Swing applications
The near miraculous turnaround of the Jython project continues
BEA's weblogic server 10 preview has passed the Java EE 5 Compatibility Test Suite
- Romain Guy has an interesting video interview up on InfoQ
where he tackles such issues as Flash versus Java Applets, why swing is
a good technology for rich clients and whether Java needs a browser
The final version of the reference implementation for JAX-WS 2.1 is now available for download from
Oracle has released a new version of its JDeveloper IDE
JTattoo offers a collection of really nice looking swing look and feels that are free for personal and freeware use
Miami now has a Java User Group (JUG)
Seconds out for the early registration price for Eclipse Con 2007
Screw Sun, cross-platform will never work, let's move on and steal the Java language
...Microsoft has lost its way...
The full list of correspondence links
Listener Feedback
- Java Webstart - unsigning jars
- Open Source Learning Tool in 3d
- Terracotta competition
- Impromptu library of the week - Netbeans Visual Library
Direct download: JavaPosse103.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:34pm PDT
Wed, 7 February 2007
Hi All
Sorry for the late notice, but between the Google ski trip and the Sun Developer Council meeting, we haven't had the time to put together an episode for this week. Please bear with us, we will be back next week and have a couple of good interviews coming up as well.
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 5:07pm PDT
Tue, 30 January 2007
Newscast for January 30th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Join us for the Java Posse Roundup 2007 in Crested Butte, CO from March 6th-9th 2007
Microsoft takes from BlueJ without attribution, then applies for patent, then retracts application
Mobile App of the Week - TellMe mobile
Quick News Items
Google has released Testing on the Toilet to the general public
JSR 291 has passed the public review ballot despite two no votes
The Oracle Technical Network (OTN) has a new Spring extension for JDeveloper
- Chet Haase blogs about the upcoming book "Filthy Rich
Clients" that he and Romain Guy have written which is nearing
The Yourkit 6.0 Java Profiler from Yourkit LLC has been released
- Firebug reaches 1.0 final
Initial benchmarks done on the JRuby compiler are looking promising
- IBM Developerworks is running a great multi-part series on
creating a web application using a combination of GWT (Google Web
Toolkit), Apache Derby and Eclipse
Mainsoft has released a preview edition of it's grasshopper product version 2.0
A new site - SourceKibitzer - tracks and catalogs open source Java projects
- ThinkFree Office - a former Applet of the week on the Java
Posse, has won a computerworld award for best online office suite
beating out all the usual suspects like Zoho virtual office and Google
Docs and Spreadsheets
Sun has posted the second maintenance release of JSR 926 - the Java 3d API
The Eclipse foundation has launched a new data tools platform, version 1.0
Listener Feedback
- Java2Exe - creating executables with Java
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse102.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 8:45pm PDT
Sun, 28 January 2007
Interview with Dr. Paul King and Jon Skeet about Groovy
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Join us for the Java Posse Roundup 2007 in Crested Butte, CO from March 6th-9th 2007
Interview about the Groovy programming language with Dr Paul King and Jon Skeet. Paul is a Managing
Director and Principal Consultant for ASERT, an Australian company
in helping its customers leverage emerging technologies, and Jon is a
engineer and inveterate technological dabbler who happens to specialize
in Java
and C# development. They are both contributing authors to a new book
from Manning called Groovy in Action along with Dierk Koenig, Guillaume
Laforge and Andrew Glover who unfortunately couldn't make it today.
- The Groovy Language home page
- Community Mailing Lists
- The Groovy Developer Conference #3 - Happening this week in Paris
- Grails - a Ruby on Rails inspired framework that uses Groovy
- The Book!
- IDE Plugins:
Blogs, etc.:
- Jon Skeet
- Dr. Paul King
- Dierk Koenig
- Guillaume Laforge
- Andrew Glover (the man loves disco...)
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
Direct download: JavaPosse101.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 12:50pm PDT
Thu, 25 January 2007
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 10:07am PDT
Wed, 24 January 2007
Newscast for January 22nd 2007
Recorded Live in front of a Studio Audience!
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Join us for the Java Posse Roundup 2007 in Crested Butte, CO from March 6th-9th 2007
JavaOne 2007 registration is open
Netbeans 6.0 M6 is now out
- The Eclipse Foundation has joined three industry standards
groups, including the JCP (Java Community Process), OMG (Object
Management Group) and the OSGi alliance
- The Eclipse WTP (Web Tools Project) now provides many JSR
implementations including JSR 244 (JEE 5), JSR 220 (EJB3), JSR 127
(JSF) and more, and the eclipse modeling project provides
implementations for OMG�s UML2, OCL and other specifications
- have named their Winners of the Product of the Year 2007
Application of the Week - JDarkroom
Applet of the Week - Goggles - a Java Flight Sim using Google Maps data
Quick News Items
Terracotta has been open sourced
- Sun has revealed a highly critical vulnerability in the JRE
that could be used to elevate privileges by malicious code using the
GIF Image Processing
Jetbrains has released version 0.1 beta of a Ruby Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
- Oracle's JDeveloper has added a GWT WYSIWYG environment: gDevelop
Nominations for the Dukes Choice Award can now be made
The Java 4k Game Programming Contest is on again
Sun has released what they are calling a "preliminary" version of the Fortress interpreter.
Peter von der Ahé has set up a new project called the Kitchen Sink project
- The session schedule for the US Server Side Java Symposium
2007 has been finalized, and it and the symposium community wiki are
now available online
Roberto Chinnici blogs that the Phobos Plugins for Netbeans are now available
Apple has released Java for Mac OS X 10.4, Release 5 Developer Preview 2 on the Apple Developer Connection
Sun has posted an early draft of JSR 271 - MIDP 3
Sun has released version 1.0 of looking glass - the Java based 3d user interface
Special ThanksRobert Healy - honorary Posse roadie for episode 100, for making the recording of this live event sound, and look, spectacular.
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
- Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
- Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
- Opening - "Java" the
parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and Marjorie Music Publ.
(BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr of the Dr. Demento
Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI popular song,
"Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce by his dad.
Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty for Java Posse artwork
Nick Trefz, the voice of TopCoder, for the voiceovers
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - A track written by Dick in Apple's Garageband
Direct download: JavaPosse100.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 10:14am PDT
Mon, 22 January 2007
As promised, here are the final details for tonight's (Jan 22nd, 2007) 100th episode which will be recorded live in front of a studio audience. We will be recording at around 6.30pm, but it is recommended that you try and get to the meeting point by 6.15 - latecomers will find it hard to get into the complex. This google maps link shows all of the important spots. Recommended parking location is off of Charleston Road (along the bottom of this picture). Hopefully you will find some spaces - at 6.15pm the car park should be clearing out a bit. The place to meet is in between buildings 42 and 43 - shown in the top left of the maps link. A lady called Liz will be there to meet you and escort you in. We are happy to announce that there will be complimentary refreshments, including beer, at this event :-). Learning from last time we didn't want to promise anything we couldn't deliver, so we left the announcement until the last minute. Hope to see you there... The Java Posse
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 8:37am PDT
Tue, 16 January 2007
Interview with Charles Oliver Nutter and Thomas Enebo about JRuby
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Join us for the Java Posse Roundup 2007 in Crested Butte, CO from March 6th-9th 2007
Also we have a special event coming up - our 100th episode which will
be recorded live in front of an audience at the Googleplex in Mountain
View. This event is open to the public and will take place at 6.30pm on
January 22nd 2007 in Tech Talk 42 (in Building 42). Please let us know
through the Java Posse Google group if you are planning on attending so that we can get a head count. This is of course a free event. Keep an eye on or the Google group for more details.
This is building 42 in the Googleplex
- Building 42 is shown in the center of the map. At 6ish you should
find the parking is clearing out so it should not be hard to find a
space, although there is some building work taking place to install
solar panels.
We were lucky enough to get an interview with Charles Oliver Nutter and
Thomas Enebo all about JRuby as they flew into town for a visit to Sun
JRuby Homepage
JRuby Wiki
The official Ruby on Rails website
- The definitive book for learning Ruby on Rails
- Charles' Blog
- Tom's Blog
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty for Java Posse artwork
Nick Trefz, the voice of TopCoder, for the voiceovers
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - A track written by Dick in Apple's Garageband
To contact us:
Direct download: JavaPosse099.5.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 10:44pm PDT
Thu, 11 January 2007
Newscast for January 10th, 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at http://javaposse.comJoin us for the Java Posse Roundup 2007 in Crested Butte, CO from March 6th-9th 2007
we have a special event coming up - our 100th episode which will be
recorded live in front of an audience at the Googleplex in Mountain
View. This event is open to the public and we are finalizing the
details now. Please let us know through the Java Posse Google group if you are planning on attending so that we can get a head count. This is of course a free event. Keep an eye on or the Google group for more details Map to the googleplex
- Exciting news from apple - iPhone, Apple TV, etc.
Groovy 1.0 has been released
Might property support make it into Java after all?
Five things you need to know about Scala, whether you are a Java developer or a Ruby developer
Java Website of the week - farecompare
Applet of the week - J-Track 3d from NASA
Java App of the week - BitTyrant (and Azureus 3.0)
Quick News Items
Jini has a new home, and a new name - Apache River
A small site -, has a good tutorial on writing a simple Java ME game using the 2D API
Is 2007 the year for JSF?
- The University of Illinois has made their Java textbook available for free in PDF form
Chris Adamson of has been busy recently. He has a two part blog up about rebooting Java media
Looking for some help building web apps? Java Web Parts might be up your alley
The Apache Geronimo project has released milestone one of Geronimo 2.0, with early support for Java EE 5
Staying with apache for one more item, Apache Commons VFS (virtual file system) has reached version 1.0
Java Restlets have reached 1.0 RC 2
The nominations are now open for the eclipse community awards
Synthetica Version 2.2.0 has just been released
- Ant 1.7.0 has been released
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty for Java Posse artwork
Nick Trefz, the voice of TopCoder, for the voiceovers
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - A track written by Dick in Apple's Garageband
Direct download: JavaPosse099.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:54am PDT