The Java Posse
Serving the Java Community since 2005
Tor Norbye (Google), Carl Quinn (Netflix), Dick Wall (Escalate), Chet Haase (Google)

Java Posse Episode 148 - Special from the Silicon Valley Code Camp

Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at

Thanks to the Silicon Valley Code Camp guys - Peter Kellner for organizing the whole thing, and Mike Van Riper for inviting us

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Direct download: JavaPosse148.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:27am PST

Special Announcement - Silicon Valley Code Camp

Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at

Just a quick reminder that we will be at the Silicon Valley code camp tomorrow, Saturday Oct 27th for a live recording. If you are in the bay area, why not come on by and see us. Better yet, come and spend the whole day geeking out on all things Java (Saturday seems to be the Java day, even though the camp is on for the whole weekend).

It's not too late to sign up, go to:

to register now. And we look forward to seeing you there.

If you don't live in the Bay Area or can't make it, the Posse episode should be up some time on Sunday so please be patient. Thanks.
Direct download: JavaPosseCodeCamp.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:49am PST

Newscast for October 19th 2007

Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at

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Direct download: JavaPosse147.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:28am PST

Roundup 07 Session - Convergence of Desktop, Web and Mobile Apps

Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at


Direct download: JavaPosse146.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:51pm PST

Newscast for October 4th 2007

Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at

We will be at the Silicon Valley Codecamp which runs Oct 27th to 28th at Foothills College, Los Altos, CA

Quick News Items

  • Eric LaFortune has released version 4.0 of ProGuard 4.0 which is an open source class file shrinker, optimizer and obfuscator for Java


Direct download: JavaPosse145.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:57am PST


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