The Java Posse
Serving the Java Community since 2005
Tor Norbye (Google), Carl Quinn (Netflix), Dick Wall (Escalate), Chet Haase (Google)

Newscast for October 17th 2006

Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at

Banana phone

Book Reviews:

Quick News Items

  • A free ebook has shown up on that lists the top 200 questions that Java/J2EE developers might be asked in an interview


  • - - for hosting and bandwidth
  • Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
  • - - for feed redirect
  • Kirsty Doherty for Java Posse artwork
  • Nick Trefz, the voice of TopCoder, for the voiceovers
  • Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
  • Theme Music:
    • Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
    • Closing - "The Outer Light" or "Inside the Light" (they haven't decided yet) by Butterflies and Zebras (Norm Howard, and Steve Northover - the SWT dude) - "I tuned my old acoustic to a C modal tuning that I like (CACDCE).  I asked Norm for some east Indian sounds which he proceeded to make flawlessly, using a glass slide and his sunburst strat.  Without warning, he launched into a rhythm pattern, using his delay to double up what he was playing (the delay is in time with the rhythm so it's there, but you don't notice it, so it's kind of ghostly).  I took the solo, clean first with a TS9 for light distortion and then the wah, and finally clean again.  Towards the end, I switch to rhythm (no delay) and Norm solos, using the same delay that he used for the rhythm. He's tasteful and heads for the stars during the fade out" -
Direct download: JavaPosse089.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:42pm PST

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