Newscast for February 20th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Join us for the Java Posse Roundup 2007 in Crested Butte, CO from March 6th-9th 2007
Cafe au Lait's Elliotte Rusty Harold poses a question about the new JSR 311 - Java API for RESTful services
The finalists for the Eclipse community awards have been named
Sun releases Solaris Express, Developer Edition, and Startup Essentials
- Rod Johnson, the father of interface21's Spring Java
Framework, has blogged about spring support in glassfish, and
particularly how good it is
Perhaps things are getting better for Java Multimedia?
Java application of the week - Ted - the Torrent Episode Downloader
Java applet of the week - the ENIAC simulator
Quick News Items
- The JMaki AJAX components project has now released a plugin for eclipse as well as the netbeans plugin
The OSGI alliance has added five new members: BEA Systems, Jayway AB, Interface21, Eclipse and IONA technologies
- Sleepycat software are requesting developer feedback on their proposed new Java API for the Berkeley DB
Cenqua have just released version 1.3 of fisheye
Also - if you decide to buy and mention the Posse, Pete Moore says you can get one of the highly coveted t-shirts as well
- The third part of the developerworks series about writing
an application using a combination of GWT, Derby and Eclipse is now
Google has launched the summer of code 2007 program
ALM works has released a 1.0 client for the JIRA issue and bug tracking system from Atlassian
- JSR 310 - the new Java Date and Time API that we mentioned
recently, has been voted in with 15 yes votes and only 1 non vote (from
A new version of JOSSO (Java Open Single Sign-On) is now available
- MyEclipse - providers of the enhanced set of plugins for
the eclipse IDE, have branched out to offering some of their plugins
for both NetBeans and Visual Studio .NET!
OpenXava claims to have a highly productive alternative to Ruby on Rails based on full Java standards
Listener Feedback
- Open source numbers - Sun and IBM
- - - for hosting and bandwidth
Brice Ruth and - - for our archives site -
- - - for feed redirect
Kirsty Doherty, Oliver Widder and Jeff Tyson for Java Posse artwork
Brian Ehmann - the Java Posse intern
Craig Muth for maintaining the Java Posse Memorizable site -
Theme Music:
Opening - "Java" the parody song Copyright 1997 Broken Records and
Marjorie Music Publ. (BMI), written and performed by Loose Bruce Kerr
of the Dr. Demento Show and Sun Microsystems attorney. Based on the WWI
popular song, "Ja-da." Ukelele style on the recording taught to Bruce
by his dad. Re-produced with kind permission from "Loose" Bruce Kerr -
Closing - Juan Carlos Jimenez - In the House (Intro No. 1)