Sat, 20 October 2007
Newscast for October 19th 2007
Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at
Correction - 2007 JCP Elections
Sun JavaFX and client evening in SF update....
Is Sun creating a Java based competitor to the iPhone?
Update on OpenJDK encumberances
Pair Programming, does it suck or are you doing it wrong?
The Future of Java on Mac OS X?
Java Application of the week - IntelliJ IDEA
Bonus java Application of the week - BabyTEL Eggphone
Quick News Items
- Sun has gone public with around a dozen security exploits in the Java runtime engine, many of them severe
IBM AlphaWorks details a new eclipse plugin that allows web based interaction with the eclipse IDE
The eclipse project has also released the first Rich AJAX Platform to use OSGi: RAP 1.0
- NetBeans OpenLaszlo support provides an alternative way of
building flash based rich internet applications without needing Adobe's
eclipse based flex builder
- has a new tutorial on building an EJB 3.0 application using NetBeans, GlassFish v2 and Apache Maven 2
- Eyvind A. Larre blogs about how he put together a new facebook application in 15 minutes using Java and JSP
Rick Ross at JavaLobby is rallying for putting Java on the OLPC (one laptop per child)
JOSSO (Java Open Single Sign On) 1.6 has been released
- JSR 264 - Order Processing API, the final release has now
been made for the JSR by Nokia, including a Reference Implementation
and TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit)
Chris Adamson on Java related podcasts
A new version of Compass, 1.2, is out
Nuxeo has released version 5.1 of its ECM (Enterprise Component Management) software
Sun's John Rose has a new project proposal over at OpenJDK: a multi-language VM
Eclipsecon 2008 is now accepting submissions for talks or tutorials
And TheServerSide Java Symposium 2008 also has a call for papers
- JasperAssistant has been updated to version 2.4.0
- The Silicon Valley Web Developer Java User Group has a
session by Gavin King about WebBeans (JSR 299 - based on his Seam work)
planned for their next meeting on October 16th
- DevX has a new article comparing Java FX, Adobe AIR, and
Microsoft's Silverlight for building next generation RIA (Rich Internet
JPOX 1.1.9 has been released
Ericsson and BenQ have published the public review draft for JSR 281 - IMS Services API
- In amongst the new exciting changes for the Java 6 Update N
(the new Consumer JRE which it getting a lot of attention right now) is
a new version of JAX-WS
Microsoft has announced that it will share the source code for .NET
- Atlassian looking for an open source systems administrator
Direct download: JavaPosse147.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 8:28am PST
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