QuickNews and Feedback for November 3rd 2008
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Quick News
POI 3.1 has been released by the Apache Jakarta project
Josh Bloch has an interview at the Sun Developer Network about his new Effective Java book
PalmSource has revealed its ALP 3.0 (Access Linux Platform)
A number of Eclipse demo camps are being held all over the world
IBM Alphaworks has released version 2.7 of HeapAnalyzer
Jonathan Schwartz has a video up on NetBeans.tv celebrating 10 years of NetBeans
Another DZone refcard is available, this time covering getting started with MyEclipse
The final version of MVEL 2.0 is out
The Apache Jakarta project has released Commons::Net 2.0
Support for a 64 bit Java plugin for Windows and Linux 64 bit operating
systems has been pledged for early 2009 in the Java 6 update 12 release
Ted Neward's Busy Java Developer's Guide to Scala continues with a 2 part examination of building a calculator in Scala
JBoss has released version 2.0.0 General Access of JBoss AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
Seam 2.1.0 General Access has been released by JBoss
JavaWorld has a nice introduction to ReST
John Ferguson Smart has a unique response to the current economic downturn: be more productive
ASM now has support for the InvokeDynamic byte code that John Rose recently completed a prototype for
MuleSource has release Mule 2.1 Enterprise and Mule Galaxy 1.5
The free Java Decompiler project (yes, that is the name) looks like a useful tool
Java 5 and 6 - the improved math library
Numiton has ported WordPress to Java
Linux Journal has a round up of Java audio software for Linux
Listener Feedback
408 465 4626 - Our grandcentral number
The Java Posse consists of Tor Norbye, Carl Quinn, Joe Nuxoll and Dick Wall