The Java Posse
Serving the Java Community since 2005
Tor Norbye (Google), Carl Quinn (Netflix), Dick Wall (Escalate), Chet Haase (Google)
Some listeners have reported problems downloading the latest episodes. This appears to be a libsyn issue, as described on the libsyn support blog:

CDN Issues
9:00am EST - We experienced an issue with our CDN last night that caused issues with new file uploads. Our network team communicated with a service provider to resolve the issue, and uploading has been restored. If users notice any issues with recently upload files, please email for assistance. We apologize for the inconvenience.

9:30am EST - We have heard reports from users that some recently uploaded media files are unavailable for download.  Please report any issues to

Update 1:00pm EST - We are aware that the issue goes back to files uploaded since 3/11 - we have a script running that will be fixing the issue for these episodes. We appreciate your patience while we continue to work towards resolution.

It sounds like they are on top of it, and normal service should be restored soon. We are very happy with libsyn, and issues like this are far more rare than they would likely be if we tried to run our own service to deliver content, so please be patient and hang in there. I will check in later to make sure things are working again.



Downloads seem to be working again as of 1.30pm PST Tuesday March 24th. Thanks to Libsyn for a quick response.
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:26am PDT

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